Unlocking Savings with Insysiv’s Virtual Bulk Buy

Unlocking Savings with Insysiv’s Virtual Bulk Buy

Hospitals and healthcare systems face constant pressure to cut costs while maintaining high-quality patient care. One area that often escapes scrutiny is the vast, complex web of supply chain management. Hidden within mounds of supply usage data are opportunities to save significant amounts of money—savings that often go untapped because the data is inaccessible or challenging to analyze. That’s where Insysiv’s innovative “Virtual Bulk Buy” feature, powered by our Velocity real-time analytics, comes into play.

Discovering Hidden Savings with Velocity

Insysiv’s Velocity platform has helped clients uncover hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential savings buried in their supply usage data. Traditional methods of cost reduction often rely on negotiating discounts through bulk purchasing or market share commitments. While these strategies can be effective, they don’t fully address the complexities of supply management in a hospital setting.

Velocity’s “Virtual Bulk Buy” offers a fresh approach. It functions like a bulk buy but with added flexibility and precision. Instead of purchasing and storing large quantities of supplies upfront, hospitals can commit to buying a specified amount of products by a certain date. This commitment allows hospitals to lock in lower prices while only paying for the items as they are used, avoiding the pitfalls of overstocking and storage costs.

The Power of Real-Time Analytics

What sets the “Virtual Bulk Buy” apart is the power of real-time analytics provided by Velocity. This isn’t just about setting a commitment and hoping for the best. Velocity continually monitors your purchasing patterns, taking snapshots of your purchases under contract to ensure that you are on track with your commitments. This dynamic tracking allows for adjustments in real-time, ensuring that hospitals meet their purchasing goals and secure the savings promised by the bulk buy.

The data analytics provided by Velocity are comprehensive, offering insights that go beyond simple purchasing metrics. By analyzing usage patterns, supply turnover rates, and even departmental needs, Velocity helps hospitals make informed decisions about what to buy, when to buy it, and how much to commit to. This level of insight is invaluable for materials managers and department heads who need to balance cost efficiency with the demands of patient care.

Collaborative Cost-Saving Strategies

One of the key benefits of the “Virtual Bulk Buy” is its ability to foster collaboration across departments. Effective supply chain management in a hospital requires input from various stakeholders, including department managers, physicians, materials managers, and suppliers. Velocity’s data analytics platform provides a shared source of truth, allowing these stakeholders to collaborate effectively.

With everyone working from the same data, hospitals can create purchase commitments that are not only realistic but also optimized for savings. The collaboration between these groups often results in savings of 10% to 20%—savings that can have a significant impact on a hospital’s bottom line.

For example, a materials manager might use Velocity data to identify a high-usage item that could benefit from a virtual bulk buy commitment. By collaborating with department managers and physicians, they can confirm that the item is essential and that the volume commitment is appropriate. With this data-backed consensus, the hospital can confidently enter into a virtual bulk buy agreement, knowing that it will result in cost savings without compromising patient care.

Staying on Target with Velocity

Another critical feature of Insysiv’s “Virtual Bulk Buy” is its ability to keep hospitals on target with their purchasing commitments. In the fast-paced environment of healthcare, it’s easy for purchasing patterns to deviate from initial plans. Velocity’s continuous monitoring and real-time updates ensure that hospitals stay on track.

If the data shows that a hospital is falling behind on its purchasing commitment, Velocity can alert the appropriate managers, allowing them to make necessary adjustments. This proactive approach prevents the hospital from missing out on the savings associated with the bulk buy agreement and avoids potential penalties or price increases.

Let Velocity Show You How

The savings potential of Insysiv’s “Virtual Bulk Buy” is substantial, but it’s just one part of the broader capabilities offered by Velocity real-time analytics. By unlocking the hidden value in supply usage data and fostering collaboration across departments, Velocity helps hospitals achieve significant cost reductions while maintaining or even improving the quality of care.

Insysiv is committed to helping healthcare organizations navigate the complexities of supply chain management. Whether you’re looking to reduce costs, improve efficiency, or simply gain better control over your purchasing processes, Insysiv’s Velocity platform has the tools you need to succeed.

Discover how the “Virtual Bulk Buy” can transform your hospital’s supply chain and unlock hidden savings. Let Velocity show you the way to smarter, more efficient purchasing.


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